Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chrismas at Harrington's

By: Melody Carlson

In this story we are introduced to Lena Markham who is on her own and traveling to a new town looking for a new start. Lena has had a hard life these past nine years and is hoping that she can build a new life for herself in the town of New Haven, Minnesota. Her she meets many new people who are willing to take a chance on a stranger new to town and lands a job most unexpected at Harrington's department store playing Mrs. Santa. Just when she thinks that things are going good she is confronted with her past and begins to see everything that she has worked for begin to crumble and there is nothing that she can do to stop it. In the end she realizes that the only thing she can do is to confront her past head on and to trust in the new friends that she has made and to trust in God that he will work everything out for her good.

I really enjoyed reading this book and feel that it is a true holiday story of redemption, forgiveness, and second chances. I loved the message of forgiveness and that all people no matter what they did in the past deserve a second chance even a third and fourth chance. How many times have we made mistakes yet God was willing to give us chance after chance to get it right. This story is a great example of how wrong it is to judge people with out getting all of the facts and how wrong it is to judge people based off of hear say.

Available November 2010 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.