Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Measure of Katie Calloway

By: Serena Miller

In this story we are introduced to Katie Calloway who has survived the rigors of the Civil War in Georgia only to have to deal with a husband who is abusive and having a hard time dealing with the loss of his family home. Fearing for her life and that of her brother who she is taking care of after the death of their parents Katie grabs a few of her belonging and flees what is left of her husbands home. Can Katie build a new life for her and her brother or will he husband succeed in his plans for her?

Robert Frost owns a lumber camp and is in need a cook that can help him feed his men since the cook that he had broke his arm in a fight. When Robert meets Katie and gets a taste of her cooking he knows that he has found the perfect cook for his camp. The only problem is that he is not sure if Katie will be able to handle the demands that will be placed on her as cook and how she will handle the isolation and being the only woman around.

I really enjoyed reading this novel and I really admired Katie's inner strength and her willingness to venture into the unknown to save not only her life but that of her brother as well. I think that there are several people who can learn a lot from Katie about when to say enough is enough in an abusive relationship. This is especially true in relationships where kids are involved. It is up to the adults in the relationship to put the welfare of the child above that of their feelings for the abusive person. Katie was able to tap into her inner core of strength and to create a new life for her and her younger brother and was able to make the best out of her situation.

Available October 2011 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Deeply Devoted

By: Maggie Brendan

In this book you will meet Catherine Olsen who is leaving her home and everything that she knows to become a mail order bride. After the death of her parents in a tragic accident she alone is left to care for her two sisters but she is also dealing with another tragedy from her past as well. Catherine is also dealing with the fact that she has kept certain secrets from her future husband and is trying to determine when to break the news. Can she over come the tragedy of her past and find love in the arms of her new husband or will she loose her one chance at love and happiness?

Peter Andersen can't wait to pick up his future bride when she arrives but is shocked to find that she is not alone. As they get to know each other Peter becomes worried that he won't be able to support both Catherine and her sisters. He also becomes worried that he will not be able to keep his wife happy as he is a simple farmer and she is use to a life of luxury. Add into the mix that his mother is none to happy to find her plans for his future interrupted and you have a recipe for trouble. Can Peter over come his mother's suspicions and open his heart to find the love of a lifetime? Pick up this story and find out what happens when these two worlds collide.

I really enjoyed reading this book and was touched by the tragedy that Catherine has suffered and how it still haunts her life. There are many people today who are still being plagued by things that happened to them in the past and it still causes problems in their lives today. One of the biggest things that people do wrong is that they keep things bottled up and hidden inside and it festers inside until they can no longer function. If the person you are with truly loves you then they will love you no matter what you have done in the past. The important thing is to learn from the mistakes of the past and to move on in to the future with the knowledge that you will not let it happen again.

Available September 2011 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.