Sunday, March 11, 2012


By: Jill Eileen Smith

In this story we are introduced to Abraham and Sarai and walk wit them through their lives as husband and wife. As many may recall from reading the bible story of Abraham, he and Sarai whose name was later changed to Sarah had trouble conceiving a child even though the Lord promised them that it would be so and that Abraham would be the father of many nations. In this book we not only meet these two wonderful people but we are also introduced to Lot and his wife as well and are witness to their story unfolding also.

I really enjoy reading these Biblical stories that are made into novels and this book Sarai is no exception. I love how the authors are able to stay true to what the Bible says but at the same time they are able to pull the reader into the actual emotions that the people must have been feeling as they were going through hard times. In this stiry we see how hard it was for Sarah to not be able to bare her husband a child and we also see Abraham's faith that God will indeed grant them a childin his time. We are also able to see that God is true to his word and that he will never leave us no matter how bad things may seem at the time. God does not work in our time but his time and he is always right on time.

Available March 2012 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.